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I got the Google Nest Mini as a Christmas present in 2019. Discovering the use of Google Nest Mini took a little longer. 13 months later, I spotted it in my drawer and decided to set it up. Had such a...
The Gig Economy and its continuing evolution was and is unexpected. It is also intriguing. Clearly disruptive it is proving positive on many fronts. The role of start-ups as catalyst for the gig...
What a start to the New Year! Australians overseas. I am referring to the article titled “‘A spoilt brat country’: the Australians overseas who decided not to come...
Chopsticks have become such convenient utensils for East Asian Cuisines that others have acquired some dexterity in it’s use. Style or method is not the aim. Just the eagerness get to the meal as long...
2020, best described as the year ravaged by Coronavirus. Yet Australia’s coronavirus response has to be commended. Australia like the rest of the World was not spared. Australia’s remarkable...
Cricket and Adelaide as the World sees it may not be what locals expect. Step out of Australia, anywhere in the World and when asked where home is, you get 3 likely responses, if you say...
By Falcon / 19 December, 2020 The ubiquitous steak has been taken for granted for too long and needs a relook. My sense is to give some thought on how we do our steaks. At home we tend to treat the...
A point and shoot camera for stills and video. More importantly a surprise in 2020 for the camera enthusiasts both in terms of price and purpose wise. And its the purpose that is of interest. Did Sony...