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Discover the irresistible rice trinity

Discover the irresistible rice trinity of the culinary World and you won’t have any regrets. The trinity refers to 3 distinct rice and meat based dishes. Prepared meticulously...

Australia’s unique fashion sense

Australia’s unique fashion sense is different, distinct and parochial. Yet chic, fashionable and never dated. Confused? Where do I start and how do I describe it? First a backstory I first...

The Festival State comes alive again

The Festival State comes alive again. It’s that time of the year. “Mad March” starts slowing in mid February and goes all the way to the middle of March. Truly a few crazy weeks of...

Apple Pay’s 2014 seminal moment.

Apple Pay’s seminal moment in the payments industry occurred on 20th October 2014. It was the day Apple Pay was launched and used for the first time. Six and half years later, millions of us...

South Australia’s Cornish Pasty

South Australia’s Cornish pasty is an icon and part of the South Australian State heritage. I tasted my first pasty when I moved to Australia. I liked it more than pies. Curiosity got the better...

Young Australian of the Year, Isobel Marshall

Being named Young Australian of the Year 2021 is no mean feat by any measure. An accolade richly deserved when you realise what she has actually done and the people that she did it for. And by the age...

Wilmington and America’s 46th President

Wilmington Station and America’s 46th President is a stuff of folklore. A story of tragedy and hope. A post to mark the week of the US Presidential Inauguration with a tale of a far removed...

Journeys with my laptop

After years of work travel covering numerous countries, my laptop and me have  become integral. A much revered travel companion through thick and thin. Partly due to work needs and...