Camera grab bag

camera bag

The camera grab bag that we need is something we thought about but never got down to doing it.

We all have been there. Hopefully this will help guide you. Something I had to learn thru trial and error.

Photos and videos that capture that magic moment, a memorable event or a journey is something not to be missed. When the time comes, it is always close to a state of panic.

Especially if its an important event or the day before we leave for a trip.

This post is aimed at the average individual cost wise. So we are not looking at high end or costly equipment.

Quick Inventory on what we are looking at

  1. Point and shoot digital camera that takes quality photos and video images
  2. An action camera when you are part of the action – kayaking, cycling , trekking etc
  3. Selfie stick cum tripod
  4. Memory card including a spare or backup for the duration of a trip or event
  5. Hard drive for permanent storage
  6. Spare batteries, charger, cables and other accessories plus an accessories bag
  7. All in one bigger bag

Don’t forget the smartphone or iPhone that you have.

The smartphone or iPhones is our backup and we forget we have it with us. I do it all the time. So use it when your camera is not with you. Smartphone manufacturers have been using high pixels cameras to compete and we might as well use it.

Back to the camera grab bag setup

First the caveat when it comes to cameras for both photos and videos.

Best not to invest in expensive equipment unless you are really want to invest in a serious skill. These are like wildlife, birding or architectural photography or running a YouTube channel. For these you will need the more expensive SLR, some specialist lenses and accessories. We are talking expensive requirement.

The good news is that technology has made cameras that capture quality photos and videos more affordable than before. So many of the entry level point and shoot cameras can do the job. Very well. So it is not going to be expensive.

However technology has also made it imperative that investment every 4 to 5 years to keep up with better image quality is necessary. Image quality in terms of pixel is pivotal.

Lets start with the cameras

The main compact plus an action camera that is always in my bag

Image quality or resolution – All you need is a point and shoot camera that takes both photos and videos. Minimum resolution is 12 megapixels or more. High end ones go past 20 megapixels. For videos you are looking at 4k even though the latest consumer models are going into 5k. 4k is just fine. It’s actually at the top.

Anyway capture and uploads for viewing for videos is done at 1080p. 90% of videos uploaded on YouTube is at 1080p or less. Mainly due to storage and speed of upload overheads. Get the 4K as you will need it occasionally.

Low light ability – In the past you could not get quality images once the sun sets. And without additional lighting. Cameras, not all but some are able to handle low light situation well. Sony ZV1 is one. Low light photography without additional lights or flashes are much much better.

Low light is also one of the best times to capture images.

A neon lit store front that lights up the pavement and the surrounds and creates an aura around a subject. Night bazaars lit up by display lights from individual stalls. Inside of a ancient church where you want to capture the murals or rays entering thru the magnificent stained glass windows.

Action cameras on the hand typically do not work on low light. Their quality for movement is exceptional with built in stabilisation being key, easy to handle and robust. They can take the knocks as well.

The good things is that the main brands are DJI Osmo Action, GoPro and Insta 360. So making a choice is easy. Unlike the compact point and shoot never ending range.

Selfie stick cum tripod

90 cm selfie stick with tripod legs and a 15cm extendable to 27cm selfie stick with a mini tripod

Probably one of the cheapest item but a mandatory item in the camera grab bag. With one, your ranges and perspective of shots are enhanced many fold.

One of biggest unknown and underrated shot or video is the camera placed close to ground level capturing movement of feet, cycles, vehicles tyres and pets. You can only do it with a selfie stick. Try it.

I have 2 selfie sticks cum tripod in the camera grab bag. A light one that can be carried for a long time without straining the arm. It also serves as a table top tripod.

The second one is the usual and ordinary selfie stick cum tripod that is heavier often seen at tourist locations. It too has tripod legs.

Memory cards and hard drives

Samsung SDD fast external hard drives, memory cards and spare batteries

You are looking at a minimum a 250GB memory card from a quality manufacturer. I had one damaged card with permanent loss of photos and learnt a lesson. And a spare of the same capacity is also a must.

Transfer all your captured images from your memory cards to your external hard drives when you return home or to your hotel if you you are on a trip or holiday.

If you can afford it invest in a high capacity and fast transfer SSD drive. They are incredibly small for its utility. See the photo above for size.

Portable external hard drives are important as most PC and laps tops just don’t have enough storage space. Space needed to keep your archives of treasured photos and videos. Visual media is the single biggest consumer of memory and storage and nothing comes close. Not even heavy software.

My usual routine when on a trip and on reaching the hotel at end of the day is do transfers first. I turn on the laptop, transfer all my captured photo and video images from the memory card to the external hard drive.

You can always work on it later but I have memory card at full capacity ready for the next day. I usually leave my laptop and hard drives in the hotel room.

Accessories pouch with small pockets and compartments for batteries, cable and adapters

Spare Batteries, charges, power bank and cable accessories

Little things do matter. No harm to spend 10 minutes to jot down what you need and to put it in one accessories pouch. There are purpose designed and built pouches with various compartments and pockets that does the job well.

I found spare batteries that are fully charged are god sent on occasions. One important thing is to check if you have the right transfer or charging cables with the right connectors such as USB C, Micro-USB etc.

Or better still get a multi connector cable. And don’t forget the all important multi adapter for overseas travel.

The discreet and humble looking all in one bag

Finally the camera grab bag itself.

You want something that does not scream camera equipment but a discreet bag. To keep unwanted attention away.

Something that can be slung over your shoulders or across your chest. Something casual and cool. Make sure the straps are wide so it is more comfortable.

Most important thing is that it is lined in the inside to be waterproof. Secondly you do not need compartments or too many pockets. You already have the accessories pouch that comes with small compartments and pockets that are specially designed.

And guess what? You don’t have to go to the camera store to get it. You can get one from a flea market. And it is probably the least expensive item in this inventory.

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