Side Hustles for anyone

handmade jewellery

Side hustles have been with us for quite awhile. In recent years however, they have become even more popular especially in developed countries.

So what are side hustles? In a nutshell it is a side line activity that starts as a hobby or interest as a pastime. It then begins to cover the cost of the activity and begins generating a steady income stream.

One interesting element is that the expectation of income is incidental as there is already a good day job.

A trend where people realised that they can actually mix their area of interest and make some money at the same time.

And the internet with faster broadband speed has helped propel this further or at least made it so much easier.

Content creator, writing reviews of airline seat configuration and flight experience

What are not side hustles

Side hustles are not part-time work. They are not the late night shift at a fast food outlet or in supermarket or student working as a Barista.

It not about a person who needs to supplement his main work income because his expenses are much higher. It is also not about someone who is planning to purchase something expensive or intends to travel and needs to save up.

Part-time work has always been part of the economy even in medieval times. And it value to society cannot be taken for granted. But it is not a side hustle that people can drop if there is no longer a desire.

Hand painted windows

What then are side hustles?

It is something that starts with a passion or interest or an inherent skill. Maybe even a hobby.

A DJ or a musician whose love of music encourages them to takes up gigs. The initial motivation is to hone the skills or show case their talent.

The money initially may not be part of equation. Later it maybe secondary interest to cover transport cost and meals. The passion and interest in music are the continuing motivating factors. And if it covers cost , then any additional income is icing on the cake.

On the food front, someone who loves to bake cakes and is proud of their work. They are tempted or encouraged by friends and families who have tasted it to get it out there. The start maybe with YouTube and with rising subscribers it then becomes a side hustle. And it may not stop there.

Home video editing setup

In the age of internet, that temptation or encouragement first leads to a small online presence. Offering limited custom orders and around the neighbourhood.

I have come across an Asian couple in San Diego that will do a weekend lunch spread in their home. The cuisine is from back from their country of origin.

People sign up for the limited spaces well in advance for a fee and some travel from Los Angeles.

Their online presence is limited and there is no intention to grow despite the reviews I have seen. Clearly a side hustle but there is clear pride in their culinary skills as the main motivator and to cover cost and a little extra.

Genres of side hustles

To be honest, one’s imagination is the limit.

I have seen 12 year old kids doing side hustles from trading cards to consultants from the big 6 polishing up presentations.

For the latter they take in completed drafts and provide their professional touch for maximum possible impact.

My sense is that the consultant is not exactly interested in the fee as it appeares nominal. More weekend pastime and beer money. And probably having a read of what is out there – market intelligence.

Food probably is the most widespread genre but not in monetary value terms. It ranges from cakes for birthdays, specific dishes and cuisine that is not readily available commercially to cookies and speciality pastries. Typically small ticket items.

What else is there?

Online language lessons, restoring period furniture, custom jewellery, re-building old marquee cars, photography, proofreading, family video editing, portraiture from a provide photo and the list is rather endless.

Others include the popular fashion related genre which is very big. 2nd hand luxury and branded dresses, handbags and accessories, fashion web content creation etc. This is I suspect has high monetary value.

I know of a practising dentist in Melbourne that rents out luxury dresses because of her keen interest in fashion. I only came to be aware of it when her doctor husband mentioned that he had do delivery errands to the post office.

It was clear they did not need the money. Sort of validation that she can pick the fashion trends as an area of personal interest.

Proofreading setup at home

And the World has seen an explosion in the last 10 years or so. And the people behind it are mainly those from developed countries from the late teens to mid 30s.

Why the developed World in particular? Well I suspect it has to do with the Internet maturity, the speed of the internet and the size of the developed market that is responsive to these sort of side hustles. There is demand for sure and some prefer the less commercial and the personal attention of the person behind it.

Solicitation channels

Initially and for the longest time it would have been word of mouth, supermarket and college noticeboards. Even flyers under the door or on lamp posts.

Now its social media and specialised platforms for side hustles. My guess is anything related to the home front is the domain of Facebook . Food had increasingly moved to Instagram due to the necessary visuals to showcase the type of food.

Another common approach is to do a video of what you do and circulate it. And YouTube is the favourite platform.

Side hustles aimed at office or commercial world, its the gig platforms such as Fiverr, Upwork etc. These are typically the place to go when side hustles evolve into main occupation in view of its lucrative nature.

Although many continue to use these gig platforms for reach even if it remains just a weekend side hustle. It also helps as the structure and established protocol of gig platforms makes it convenient to come to an agreement. .

Are you ready to do a side hustle?

For a start look up articles on the internet on side hustles and gigs. They provide interesting insights on various opportunities. There are also articles shared by others on their journeys which are valuable.

The second point is assess your interest and commitment. And if you can set aside the time on a regular basis. Preferably weekends. Always start small as the intention is not to start a business though it may become one eventually.

The last and most important point is your ability and the skillset to complete the gig. Some dry runs and asking family and friends for their opinion would be the first step. It also translates into working within your means.

Carrot cake

I know of a lady that started with making only carrot cakes and she did it for a long time. And they are great. Still only does carrot cakes and only on weekends when she would take orders, make and deliver..

I was told that she does not touch birthday cakes as she was not keen on decorative aspect and the customised nature of it. She was not keen to do anything else as she a great job. And there you have it, a side hustle.

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